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 Problem Statement for PalindromesCount

Problem Statement

    A palindrome is a string that is the same whether it is read from left to right or from right to left. Little Dazdraperma likes palindromes a lot. As a birthday gift she received two strings A and B. Now she is curious if there is a way to insert string B into string A so that the resulting string is a palindrome. You agreed to help her and even tell how many different variants of such insertions exist. Two variants are considered different if string B is inserted in different places. Return the number of possible insertion variants.

For example, let A="aba" and B="b". You can insert B in 4 different places:
  • Before the first letter of A. The result is "baba" and it is not a palindrome.
  • After the first letter 'a'. The result is "abba" and it is a palindrome.
  • After the letter 'b'. The result is "abba" and it is also a palindrome.
  • After the second letter 'a'. The result is "abab" and it is not a palindrome.
So, the answer for this example is 2.


Parameters:String, String
Method signature:int count(String A, String B)
(be sure your method is public)


-A and B will each contain between 1 and 50 characters, inclusive.
-Each character of A and B will be a lowercase letter ('a'-'z').


Returns: 2
The example from the problem statement.
Returns: 3
Here every possible insertion point gives you a palindrome.
Returns: 0
No possible solutions.
Returns: 3
Returns: 0

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