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 Problem Statement for PalindromicSubstringsDiv1

Problem Statement


Marco likes strings. In particular, he likes strings that have a lot of palindromic substrings. For example, he really likes the string "aaa" because it has 6 palindromic substrings: "a" occurs three times, "aa" occurs twice, and "aaa" occurs once.

Right now, Marco has a string S composed of lowercase letters and question marks. You are to reconstruct S from the given String[]s S1 and S2 as follows:

  1. Concatenate all elements of S1 to make a string A.
  2. Concatenate all elements of S2 to make a string B.
  3. Finally, concatenate A and B to get S.

Marco is going to replace every question mark in S with a random lowercase letter ('a' - 'z'). Return the expected number of palindromic substrings in the resulting string.



Parameters:String[], String[]
Method signature:double expectedPalindromes(String[] S1, String[] S2)
(be sure your method is public)


-For each question mark, the letter used to replace it is chosen uniformly at random. That is, the probability of choosing any particular letter is 1/26. All random choices are mutually independent.
-A palindromic string is a string that reads the same forwards and backwards.
-Your return value must have an absolute or a relative error of less than 1e-9.


-S1 and S2 will contain no more than 50 elements.
-Each element of S1 and S2 will contain no more than 50 characters.
-S will contain at least 1 character.
-S will contain only lowercase letters ('a' - 'z') and question marks ('?').


Returns: 6.0
This is the example given in the statement.
Returns: 3.115384615384615
There are 26^2 = 676 equally likely possibilities for the letters used to replace the question marks. Here are all possible outcomes:
  • The string "zzz" has 6 palindromic substrings.
  • Each of the 25 strings "zaz", "zbz", ..., "zyz" has 4 palindromic substrings.
  • Each of the 25 strings "zza", "zzb", ..., "zzy" has 4 palindromic substrings.
  • Each of the 25 strings "zaa", "zbb", ..., "zyy" has 4 palindromic substrings.
  • Each of the remaining 600 possible strings only has the 3 single-letter palindromic substrings.
The expected number of palindromic substrings can be computed simply as the average over all 676 possible cases. Hence, the correct return value is (6 + 75*4 + 600*3) / 676.
Returns: 7.315088757396449
Returns: 1.0
Returns: 12.545971779699588

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       Single Round Match 607 Round 1 - Division I, Level One