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 Problem Statement for TreeDistanceConstruction

Problem Statement

    In a tree, the distance d(u,v) between vertices u and v is the smallest number of edges you need to traverse in order to get from u to v.

The eccentricity of a vertex u is the maximum of all d(u,v). In other words, the eccentricity of u is the distance between u and the vertex that is the farthest away from u.

You are given a int[] d with n elements. Construct any tree with the following properties:
  • The tree has n vertices, numbered 0 through n-1.
  • For each i, the eccentricity of vertex i is exactly d[i].
If there is no such tree, return an empty int[]. If there are multiple such trees, you may output any of them. If your tree contains the edges a[0] - b[0], a[1] - b[1], ..., a[n-2] - b[n-2], return the following int[]: {a[0], b[0], a[1], b[1], ..., a[n-2], b[n-2]}. Note that the return value should contain exactly 2*(n-1) elements.


Method signature:int[] construct(int[] d)
(be sure your method is public)


-d will contain between 2 and 50 elements, inclusive.
-Each element in d will be between 1 and |d|-1, inclusive.


Returns: {1, 2, 1, 0, 2, 3 }
The return value shown in this example describes the chain 0 - 1 - 2 - 3. This is one of multiple correct trees for this test case.
Returns: {0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3 }
In this case the only correct tree is a star with vertex 0 in the middle.
Returns: { }
Returns: { }
Returns: {0, 1 }

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       Single Round Match 704 Round 1 - Division I, Level One