{"trustable":false,"sections":[{"title":"","value":{"format":"HTML","content":"\u003cp\u003eYou are playing a video game and the current level is a two-dimensional grid of size $n$ by $m$. Each cell in this grid either contains an uppercase English letter or the character \u0027@\u0027 or the character \u0027#\u0027. There is exactly one cell with the character \u0027#\u0027 and one cell with the character \u0027@\u0027. \n\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eYour character in the game starts off in the cell marked with \u0027@\u0027 and wants to get to the cell marked with \u0027#\u0027. Your character can only go forth (up), left, or right. Your character can go to a cell only if the letter that exists in the cell is one of the letters in the following string \"IEHOVA\". Find any path that your character can take from his starting cell to the destination cell. \u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003cp\u003e There will always be exactly one valid path that your character can take.\u003c/p\u003e"}},{"title":"Input","value":{"format":"HTML","content":"\u003cp\u003eThe first line contains a single integer $T$ which is the number of test cases.\u003c/p\u003e\n\nThe first line of each test case contains two integers $n$ and $m$ which represent the number of rows and the number of columns in the grid. $2 \u003c\u003d n, m \u003c\u003d 8$\u003c/br\u003e\n\u003c/br\u003e\nThis is followed by $n$ lines which have $m$ characters each. Each character will be either an uppercase English letter, \u0027@\u0027, or \u0027#\u0027. It is guaranteed that the characters \u0027@\u0027 and \u0027#\u0027 appear exactly once in each test case. Additionally, there will always be exactly one path from the start to the destination with the letters \"IEHOVA\" \u003cb\u003ein that order\u003c/b\u003e."}},{"title":"Output","value":{"format":"HTML","content":"For each test case, output a line with the commands given to your character to reach the destination."}},{"title":"Sample Input","value":{"format":"HTML","content":"2\u003c/br\u003e\n6 5\u003c/br\u003e\nPST#T\u003c/br\u003e\nBTJAS\u003c/br\u003e\nTYCVM\u003c/br\u003e\nYEHOF\u003c/br\u003e\nXIBKU\u003c/br\u003e\nN@RJB\u003c/br\u003e\n5 4\u003c/br\u003e\nJA#X\u003c/br\u003e\nJVBN\u003c/br\u003e\nXOHD\u003c/br\u003e\nDQEM\u003c/br\u003e\nT@IY"}},{"title":"Sample Output","value":{"format":"HTML","content":"forth forth right right forth forth forth\u003c/br\u003e\nright forth forth left forth forth right"}}]}